Saturday, March 6, 2010
kc quilty - Clover/Coriander
Hailing from Brooklyn, N.Y., kc quilty is a three piece rock band that makes music that hearkens back to the early 1990's. The guitar of Sadie Dupuis along with her plaintive vocals are a great mix together. At times this is very reminiscent of Veruca Salt on "Jackshit", a good thing in my opinion. Julian Fader on drums and Brian "John" Connor on bass provide a rolling bottom end.
They experiment at times and it pays off on songs like "Tags" that feature a lonely trumpet and also have some noise elements that contrast well with Sadie Dupuis' vocals.
Jackshit coolingpierecords
"Supernova" has some nice guitar work done by Dupuis. This song brought to mind Liz Phair, another good thing.
"Shark Week" is propelled by a driving drum line by Julian and a nice effect on Sadie's vocals that make this a big fuzz sound all the way around. It has a bit of a lo-fi feel to it production wise.
Clover/Coriander moves tempo wise at a good clip, yet there is enough done with the production that you get very smooth sounding production as well as lo-fi moments that all add up to an album that has a varied sound. On subsequent listens of the album I am struck by the overall depth of the sound. kc quilty have updated the big 90's guitar sound and infused it with modern touches like lo-fi noise.
Clover/Coriander is on Cooling Pie Records. You can purchase the album on the kc quilty site as well as on itunes.
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